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Gale info:
Britannica info:
- Gale In Context High School URL to add:
- Consumer Key:j043905
- Shared Secret:2a5afe8d99f841b0b0e767d3964a1f47
- Instructions: In Canvas, go to Settings > Apps. Click View App Configurations at the top. Click +App. Change from manual entry to by URL. Enter the name (Gale in Context: High School), URL, Consumer Key and Shared Secret. When finished, select Add App. Refresh page. Click the Navigation tab. Find the app at the bottom and enable it with the 3 dots. Then move in Navigation list and click save.
Britannica info:
- Consumer Key:T69cddbcay3jhbFP7V6GGXYdVUyXM
- Shared Secret:Y35QcL9UwX2ahDxz6YfFbZgEV9qC4ZG
- Instructions: In Canvas, go to Settings > Apps. Scroll down to find the Britannica apps. Mouse over the different Britannica School apps and chose the one that is NOT Australia, UK, or New Zealand. Enter the Consumer Key and Shared Secret. When finished, select Add App. Refresh page. Then click the Navigation tab, move in Navigation list and click save.