Battle of the Books
The Battle of the Books is a district-wide book trivia competition in the spring. This year there are 10 books from various categories. Your librarian will help you form teams and get ready for the big showdown between high schools in Frisco. Fill out the interest form above to join or see your librarian for more information.
- How many on a team?
- Teams consist of 4-6 students
- Do I have to read all 10 books myself?
- Nope! All 10 books must be read by the group. You can decide how to split them up. It helps if more than one person per group reads each title, though. This is a speed trivia game. Having another brain who read the same book can come in handy!
- What are the rounds like?
- Questions are formatted to where all answers will be a book title and author. Each round will be progressively more difficult. The first rounds will be played using Kahoot. The final round will be speed writing. Work on your spelling of author names!
- How many teams can there be?
- As many as we can get!
- Will there be food?
- Obviously. And you can bring snacks.
- Will I miss school?
- We will ride the bus to the contest location at around 9:00 and aim to be back by the beginning of 3rd. You are responsible for speaking with your teachers about any missed work.